Miau 32:
-Don´t be suchhh a chhhhhicken and come herrrre, mmmmmmaaaaá!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Miau 31:
-mIai love going forrrr a walk when the sun starts to go down. Marramiau!
Miau 30:
-You won´t passfffffff!!!
Miau 29:
-Wait! mIa´ll go firssst to confirm there´s no danger...
-Be carefffful! I don´t trust in theeeesse little pieces of cloth...
Miau 28:
-When will you understand I don´t like humans?!!! Leavvvvvve miaue alone withfffff miau flowerssssffff
Miau 27:
-mIam not scared offfffff you, and mIa´ll make you pay forrrr all the pain offfffff miai brothers and sistersss, you, ffffffucking bastardfffffffffff
Miau 26:
-Forrrrrrget about drrrrrawing and strrrrrrroke mmmmiaui
Miau 25:
-Pomelo often has the same dream. He dreams about dandelion flowers...